Monday, October 25, 2010

Mustard Museum

On Saturday we spent the whole day together enjoying family time! Mitchell planned a really fun outing for us too! We visited the National Mustard Museum! I bet you didn't even know there was one! It is basically a mustard store with some mustard obsessed guy's collection of mustards from around the world in the basement. There was quite a lot of information about mustard and I was amazed at how many different flavors of mustards are out there. The coolest thing about the store/museum was that they let you sample any of the mustards they carry, as many as you want! It was pretty fun!...if you like mustard. :) Sorry I forgot my camera so the pictures are from my phone.

This mustard in the squeeze pouch is the same mustard we had on my mission in Argentina!! Brings back memories of the many ways I gained roughly 30 pounds in the southern hemisphere.

ONE of the walls of mustard

Ok this was just funny.

The rest of our fun family day involved a very long Costco trip to finish buying our food storage and get new tires. Then figuring out how to stash all of the food at home and relaxing together. Stay tuned for video of our army crawler. Crazy kid is mobile!


The Bergant Family said...

That sounds totally like Mitchell-ish planning and totally fun! I can't believe that Audrey is crawling already. Everybody, stop gorwing up!!! :) Start buying shoes now. It goes fast. :)

Elli Morley said...

Whoa, did they have any katsup to go with it?