Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One Year

Wow. The year has flown by. I loved the baby stage but boy are toddlers FUN! Audrey has so much personality and adds so much joy to our family. In the last couple of days I have really felt like I should record what she is like right now. Since this is basically my journal, here goes.

Audrey had a Dr. appointment yesterday and here are the stats:
Weight: 18lb 8oz, 11th percentile
Height: 30", 79th percentile
Head Circ: 43.9cm, 17th percentile

What she's up to these days:
She walks more and more all the time! She probably walks 80% of the time but yesterday I would have said 75%. There have been a lot of bumps and bruises and tears but she is determined to get around. She has figured out that she can carry stuff around now that she isn't crawling. She loves to get random things and bring them to me...or put them in other random places. I actually had to go out and buy a new trash can with a lid because one day she spent quite some time picking up items from the pantry and putting them in the trash. And the other evening Mitchell was unloading the dishwasher and Audrey took all of the silverware out one by one and put it in our bed. We both agree that leaving the car keys within reach could be disastrous!

She is a good little eater too! She loves spaghetti, beans, lentil stew, fruit smoothies, broccoli, raisins and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches just to name a few.

She has started pointing at everything. She points and says "this." She can say: mama, dada, yum yum, no no no, Jesus, fish, and cheese.

She has become so much more independent in some things. For instance, when we put her to bed now she wants to be put in her bed sitting down. She grabs her little bear and her blanket and spends a few minutes talking and playing then puts herself to sleep. It's so great!

She loves her Daddy! They like to play soccer, wrestling and hide and seek. Occasionally she is in the mood and will offer sweet little kisses too.

She is a joy and we love her a lot! (One of these days I'll try to post about something besides Audrey)

Just for the sake of reminiscence.


Michelle said...

I can't believe how little she was and how fast they grow!!! Audrey is SO cute! We should get together sometime this week!

Bev Tracy said...

I love that girl!