Saturday, May 7, 2011


Audrey has been such a big helper lately! *Insert sarcasm here* Although she doesn't make the daily tasks any easier with her "help" it sure is fun watching her explore new things!

Helping Daddy load the dishwasher

Helping with the garden

Helping with the laundry

She was loving the dirt!

...until she ate some, then she wasn't so sure

In other news I made mozzarella cheese Thursday with the help of a friend. The mozzarella turned out pretty well. Not much to look at but it tastes good. Then I made ricotta with the leftover whey. It turned out really good! Fun little experiment!


Paula said...

Audrey is so cute. I love how much they love to "help." I didn't know you could MAKE cheese? That is crazy and very interesting. Now I am intrigued.

Michelle said...

I love the pictures of Audrey "helping" in the garden! So cute! I can't wait to see all the wonderful foods you guys grow! You are amazing.

Claire Roach said...

Love seeing pics of my cute little niece. Can't believe she will be one this month! I remember making cottage cheese in my food science class at BYU-it was really fun learning about the different components of milk.

Elli Morley said...

Helping with the laundry, thats cute. Homemade cheese is the best.

The Bergant Family said...

I'm so glad that Audrey is such a big helper, especially since her little birthday gift will help her "help" even more! She's so cute! :)