Saturday, December 17, 2011

White Christmas?

This morning, December 17, we woke up to our first snow! None of us can believe it's been dry this long! It's not too much but maybe it will stick around until the weekend and we'll have a white Christmas. One way or the other, Audrey thoroughly enjoyed playing out in it while Mitchell shoveled the walks. We even let her get some early use out of her Christmas present from Grandpa Tracy. Thanks for the galoshes! 

Also, here's another baby bump picture. 12 weeks along.


Michelle said...

So fun! Enjoy the snow!

Lindsey said...

Ok, Audrey looks SO cute all bundled up!! That's not a look my children have ever really had to sport here in Texas... we wouldn't mind a little snow for Christmas, but looks like it'll be a warm one for us this year. Love the bump! :)

Unknown said...

Ok, Alene here. So I saw a preview of this post while I was blogger stalking on Kelv's Google Blog Reader and when I saw your picture and how many weeks you were along and I was like... "Kelv! Are they having twins!? She's showing way too much at 12 weeks for just one baby! Mitchell is a twin. They totally could be having twins!" He didn't know, so since my facebook was open I jumped on there and found my answer. YOU'RE HAVING TWINS!!!! HOW COOL and EXCITING and WONDERFUL and FUN and YAY! Congratulations you guys! I guess I need to check blogger and facebook more often!

The Bergant Family said...

It looks like a pertty little dusting-not that horribly heavy and icy stuff that we got here! :) The baby bump is looking good!