Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Fun 2011

 My mom and sister came out to stay with us for a week and celebrate Thanksgiving! It was so much fun! We hardly took any pictures at all because we were so busy enjoying each other. We were especially excited for Mom and Eileen to come so we could surprise them with our exciting news! They didn't even know I was pregnant!

I made this shirt for Audrey that says" Big Sis." Audrey wore it to the airport when we went to pick them up. As I predicted, my mom noticed the shirt right away and said, "Big sister? Is this an announcement?" I had her sit down before I handed over the ultrasound. She was so excited to discover that there are 2 babies in there!

We enjoyed a local Mongolian BBQ restaurant that night and mostly enjoyed seeing and talking to each other. For Family Home Evening we went to Mitchell's work to make s'mores. It is a really cool campus and there are themed conference rooms all over. Each conference room has a fireplace so you can build a fire. It's really cool. Eileen reminded us to be grateful and gave a great lesson based on President Monson's talk on gratitude from a year ago. The s'mores were good and Audrey loved all of the extra attention!

Tuesday we took a tour of the rest of Mitchell's work and saw some of the neat artwork and quirky displays, followed by a delicious lunch at the gourmet cafeteria with Mitchell.

Audrey warmed right up to Grandma and Aunt Eileen. It helps that Grandma fed her cookies all week and played new games with her. Eileen spoiled her rotten with attention and fun. Here is Audrey and Grandma playing "Where's Bruce." Audrey turned to smile at Eileen with the camera every time.

Wednesday was a cooking day and we made 6 dozen rolls, 2 batches of stuffing, cranberry relish and fudge. When Mitchell got home from work we headed north to spend 3 days with our great friends the Easters and the Smiths! Cindy made 2 succulent and delicious turkeys and there was more food than we could possibly eat. Not to mention more games than we could play and more football than we could watch. I think we did a great job of observing the 4 F's of Thanksgiving: Food, Family, Friends and Football.

I was a wonderful visit and as always, it flew by way too fast! We can't wait to see you again soon Mom and Eileen!

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