Sunday, September 4, 2016


Yahoo! After more than 2 months our stuff that we put on a ship from Utah finally arrived! It traveled by truck from Salt Lake City to Miami then on a container ship to Managua. That trip took less than a week but then the whole palette got held up by the bureaucracy in the customs department. What a hassle! Fortunately we had Mitchell's office manager acting as our agent and she handled most of the communication there. She was in daily contact by phone and email with the customs department but they still did crazy things like declare our shipment "abandoned" 15 minutes before their office closed. Then, they charged us $100 to restart the process! Ugh, it's all about the bribes and fees. The good news is, it's here now.

One of the first items I dug out of the boxes is my beloved Bosch stand mixer! Now my kitchen feels more like home! Chocolate chip cookies were first on the list of delicious foods to make! Mmmm.

Redick and Reid dressed up as cowboys for a special day at school. Aren't they adorable?! Silly me. In a brief lapse of common sense and knowledge of my own children, I bought genuine leather horse crops to go with their costumes. That was a mistake! No one was whipped but it would have only been a matter of time! The whips are no longer with us. Haha! 

For our customary Saturday excursion we had planned on going to a city named León, it's about an hour north of Managua. We even had a guided tour scheduled at 9am. Saturday morning I went in to wake Audrey and as I was gently stroking her hair to wake her up I noticed a bunch of brown dots on her hair. Looking a little closer I immediately realized those were lice nits! Ugh! Gross! What a bummer too because from one moment to the next or plans for the day all went out the window. I got right to work combing out the nits and picking out anything suspicious from her scalp, trying not to gag. It took 5.5 hours but I was quite confident that I got them all. Thankfully, I did. All week I've been checking and she's been clean. Whew. But still, yuck! I now have a much better appreciation for the phrase, sorting with a fine toothed comb! 

Later in the afternoon we needed to get out so we went to downtown Managua for some street food and sight seeing. This is a obelisk monument from when Pope John Paul II visited Nicaragua. 

These colorful tree sculptures are all over Managua. I love them! They are so iconic Managua. Each one is 60 feet tall and they are all around town on the roads and large parks etc. You can see them from the air as you're coming in to land at the airport. This row of trees and flags are downtown right at the edge of Lake Managua. 

The kids even got to meet this hideous rendition of Minnie Mouse. This Minnie spoke in a gruff manly voice and had to hold her nose so her head didn't fall off! I laughed so hard! The kids were delighted though. Haha! 

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