Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blessing Day

Mitchell was able to bless Redick and Reid in church today. I always love listening to a father bless his children, even more when it's Mitchell blessing our children! The blessings were lovely. He mentioned each of the boys' namesakes and qualities those individuals have exemplified. Redick Newton Allred is known for his faith and diligence in following the prophet. My brother James has modeled good choices and obedience to the commandments. I remember that Redick's blessing talked about being an example to others of righteousness and sharing the gospel. Also, using the power of the Atonement and repentance. Reid's talked about him being kind and compassionate in following the example of our Savior to show love for others. They were beautiful blessings and the Spirit was strong. Here are some pictures from the day.

Mom and Eileen were able to pass through town again on their way home from their great adventure. Mom with 3/4 kids and 3/5 grand kids.  

4 Generations!

So Handsome


katie said...

What great memories of such a special day for your sweet boys. What a cool generation picture for your mom, siblings and babies!

Nikki said...

Wow, look at those two boys. Congrats to you! I hope you're doing all right with all three!