Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conference Weekend

We had a wonderful conference weekend! Twice per year our church holds a world-wide general conference. The prophet, his 2 counselors, the 12 apostles and other general leaders of the church speak inspired words and counsel to the world. Although it is 10 hours of meetings all crammed into one weekend it truly is one of the highlights of the year! It is a wonderful blessing to have a living prophet who is inspired to lead God's children as a Special Witness of Jesus Christ. A common theme that several speakers addressed was Eternal covenants made in the Holy Temple. I am so thankful to have made covenants with Heavenly Father in His temple. I am thankful that my family can be eternal. I am looking forward to studying the talks that were given throughout the next 6 months before conference weekend comes again!

All of the sessions are available to watch, listen to or read here.

Saturday was a gorgeous spring day!! We took advantage of the weather and walked to the park across the street between conference sessions. There was a slight breeze which was perfect for our little kite. What a wonderful family day!

Audrey was happy to get down and play in the grass. It's a new texture for her!

Of course, being the explorer that she is she wasn't content to just sit for long!

Audrey loves her daddy and swings. It's bliss when she gets them both at the same time!

This evening Mitchell and I were playing a game together and I heard a rumbling noise from outside. It sounded like someone was wheeling their trash dumpster along the street but when it continued for a while I looked out and saw a flash of lightening! Pretty soon we heard the loud popping sound of hail. I risked a concussion to go out and collect these marble-sized beauties.


Laura said...

have never seen hail that big, WOW!

Claire Roach said...

Looks like a wonderful family day for a wonderful family! Audrey is lucky to have such great parents.

Michelle said...

I can't believe the size of that hail! WOW! I lost track of time and just saw some of your new posts. Such cute pictures. Glad you guys enjoyed conference! We did too!

The Bergant Family said...

That is HUGE hail!!! Ahh! Hail from hell! I didn't just say a swear word. :) I hope that your cinnamon rolls were yummy! Jessica made some AWESOME ones here too! :)