Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Random Tidbits

I finally got Audrey a crib! She has been sleeping in her pack and play for 4 months and it was getting crowded so she has a new bed! I love it! I'm still not sure if she does though. With all of the added space she can freely roll around in bed now but she get frustrated when she gets stuck on her tummy or in a corner. She will get used to it before too long. I love the bedding though! It looks even better than I remembered! I think her nursery is pretty cute considering that its a rented apartment so we can't do too much and that I am too cheap to splurge on anything really nice.

I got my hair cut and colored darker. I was nervous to go darker because I have never NOT been a blonde. I like it though, I may have to ease in to this whole brunette thing.

The weather has gotten a bit chillier out here. Fall is about to be upon us! With the colder weather out come the slippers! I need to get me a new pair but Audrey has some adorable ones that look like little bunnies! She loves them because they are built in toys!

Our smart little girl has figured out how to bounce herself in her bouncy seat.

On Saturday we took a trip down to Chicago to go to the temple! It's been a while since we have been able to go and it was great to be there. Chicago is about a 2.5-3 hour trip each way so it is definitely more of a sacrifice to go than it was in Utah with several nearby temples. We carpooled down with another couple and their 2 kiddos. It worked out great for all of us because we traded babysitting so we could attend the sessions as a couple. The Chicago temple is really small! There were only 12 people in our session but I really liked the intimate feeling. I felt a neat bond to the other few people there as we worshiped together. I am so grateful for the promises I have made with Heavenly Father in the temple. One of the greatest sources of hope and peace in my life is that through my temple marriage I know that our family will be together for eternity.


Chris and Christina said...

Nice shade of brownish/blonde! and what a beautiful crib! looks great :)

Laura said...

Christina said everything I was going to say...but I really do like the hair. You would be a pretty full brunette too, lucky girl, you can pull both off!