Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Local Adventures

It's been a while! After our 5 day trip to Costa Rica we decided to stay close to home on the weekends and re-build our vacation fund. Costa Rica was MUCH more expensive than Nicaragua! We have had some fun here though. 

We attended a baseball game in Leon a couple of weeks ago. It was a bit of a last minute decision that morning so we just tried our luck at buying tickets right outside the gate. The box office was sold out but there were plenty of scalpers in the parking lot. We ended up way over paying, $2/ticket! Haha! Our seats were on the front row directly behind the batter's box. It was lots of fun! .....until Leon won and we were showered in beer literally raining down on us! 

Since we were right behind the fence, front and center, ALSO the fact that we are so obviously NOT Nicaraguan, we apparently got a ton of face time on the TV broadcast of the game. Several people we know told us they watched us on TV and even a random employee at a burrito shop mentioned that he had seen us at the game. Ugh. 

It was really loud!

My fair skinned blonde kids have gotten used to receiving a TON of attention. People will walk out of their way to touch their heads or faces and random people want to take pictures with them. I am really surprised that Layne was willing to let this drunk guy hold him!

It is so fun to share one of our favorite activities with the kids! Board games!! They are getting good too!

My cameral roll on my phone is full of silly selfies like this! Love these little crazy people!

Some cute little Nicaraguan critters. LOL! Just Kidding! The tarantula was under our couch when we got home from Costa Rica. I thought it was dead when I put the UNO card next to it to take the picture. About 2 seconds later it ran away and I scared all of the kids and probably the neighbor's kids when I screamed! Mitchell saw the scorpion when he was walking home from work one day. Fortunately, it is the only scorpion encounter we've had here.


I have been able to be a little more involved at the kids school lately, it's been fun! Layne's class was learning about the parts of a house and they got to take a field trip to our house! It was so adorable and fun! And reminded me that I am very glad to not have had 11-tuplets! Eleven 3 year olds in one room is crazy!

Reid continues to be our self-proclaimed "sports kid" He has been practicing his athletic skills a lot lately!

Redick isn't as interested in baseball, basketball and soccer but he does love to climb! I am super impressed with that upper body strength! This was at least his 4th time climbing this pole too!

The office manager at Mitchell's office got married this weekend! She has been so instrumental in helping us here in Nicaragua and we just love her and her new husband Salvador. It was a beautiful ceremony and a great party after. I didn't get any good pictures of her with my phone but their photographer definitely took his job seriously and got a ton of photos.

Of course we celebrated Halloween too! The US Embassy puts on a great party every year and we had a lot of fun! Layne was Marshall from his favorite show, Paw Patrol. Reid was Batman, Audrey was a mailbox like she was 2 years ago and Redick was a very convincing Mario. 

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