Friday, May 4, 2012

Project Paint and Big Boys

We've barely been in our house for a week and already I am customizing. It's so fun! Haha, maybe that's because I'm not actually doing any of the work! My kind brother has been here this week painting my ceilings for me. We agreed that me standing on a high ladder reaching around to paint a vaulted ceiling probably isn't the best idea in my condition. There was nothing wrong, per se, with the beige ceilings that match the beige walls. I'm just a white ceiling kind of girl. I like things light and bright! Thank you James for all of your hard work!

I also took advantage of my craft room and sewed an extra wide nursing cover for tandem nursing. Slowly but surely we are getting ready for these babies. 5 more weeks! Speaking of the babies, according to the measurements from my ultrasound 2 days ago, baby A weighs 4 lbs 7 oz and baby B weighs 4 lbs 10 oz already! They are each measuring over a week bigger than expected! Those measurements are the 58th and 62nd percentiles as compared to singleton babies at this gestation age! Big healthy boys!


Michelle said...

Congrats on closing and moving into your house! And great job on your projects. You are so talented. We miss you guys. Can't wait to see you again sometime!

katie said...

good idea on the nursing cover! Have you gotten a nursing pillow? I got mine used on craigslist (practically new) the brand was 'double blessings'. & thanks for the update on the boys' sizes! I love to see how excited you are about twins. I gues it helps that your hubby is one :D Do you have names picked out?