Friday, April 20, 2012

She Talks!

In the last few weeks Audrey's vocabulary has just exploded! Now that she knows how to talk there is no going back, she never stops! If we are driving somewhere I get a constant stream of words describing EVERYTHING possible that she can see or think about. It's hilarious. 

Some of her favorite words have to do with vehicles. She can spot a bus anywhere! She knows the difference between a car and a truck and a motorcycle. She loves to point out airplanes and helicopters, she even learned what a blimp is when we saw one! 

She can count 1-2-3 and she is really starting to get the hang of counting 3 objects. She knows her colors and will shout out blue! or purple! or red! if she sees something of that color. Sometimes I really have to look hard to figure out what she is talking about. Another favorite thing to point out are balloons, I now know every car dealership in the area that displays balloons. Haha.

Last Sunday we stopped by our house after church to see the weekly progress. The doors had all been hung in the basement and Audrey went to every single door and opened it and then said "cute!"

Here is a conversation that we have multiple times a day:

Me: Audrey, what's in Mommy's belly?
Audrey: Babies
M: How many babies?
A: Two!
M: What kind of babies?
A: Boys!

I hope she's getting excited! I sure am!


Elli Morley said...

Wow! That's pretty good, she can count to three, and know that there are two baby brothers coming!

katie said...

What a cute post Melanie. It all made me so happy. Sounds like a car dealership is this little girl's dream, forget Disneyland! They don't have enough cars.. but they do have colors and balloons.
I am glad you'll have a good little helper with your TWO baby boys.