Friday, March 16, 2012

Knock Off Wood

In effort to learn something new and to give my kids something really great, I decided to build a toy kitchen set! I got free plans online from a website by Ana White, she makes some of the most amazing pieces of furniture! The best part is she shares her knowledge, plans and diagrams on her site for FREE!! Wahoo! 

Anyway, I purchased all of the wood and cut it about 2 weeks ago but this bad boy set me back time wise. Isn't the power and seriousness of this compressor intimidating!?! It was for me. I let it hang out in the closet for a week before I mustered up the guts to try it out. After much reading of manuals, and watching youtube tutorials I went for it. It was easy! And so fast! (A big thanks to my mother in law for lending her compressor and nailer!)

I started with the sink unit and it went from this:


 to this:

to this: 

All in a little over an hour! I am so glad I decided to conquer the power tool because it made this project SO fast and easy! I am beyond excited about having a toy kitchen set too! It has got to be one of my very favorite toys ever and I already know that Audrey will love it! I am also really excited to have a sturdy wooden set that will look great and last a long time! Not to mention the price, a similar set from Pottery Barn Kids costs over $700! Whew! I'll post the finished product once I have painted and decorated it. That will be the fun part!

1 comment:

Claire Roach said...

Excited to see the finished product! Audrey will love it, I'm sure. Love you guys!