Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Melanie Harris, RN

I am a working woman now! I got a job as a team nurse at a skilled nursing facility associated with a local hospital. I am really excited! This is my second week of orientation and I am loving the facility. Once I get trained and working on my own I will be scheduled for the PM shift, 2:00pm-10:30pm and I will be working about 20 hours per week. We really lucked out too with our awesome babysitter! She is a friend and Audrey loves it there! I am happy that I still get to be home with Audrey most of the time and the days that I do work she will basically just take her nap at the babysitters and Mitchell will pick her up after work. More updates to come! :)

And because no blog post is complete with out a picture...

Audrey got this pot out of the cupboard yesterday, hefted it up to the table, climbed up and in and watched out the window waiting for Daddy to come home. She is such a joy!


Dustin and Tricia Bunderson said...

Melanie, I don't think you could have found a more perfect job! What a blessing. Does it feel strange to be back in the work force again? In a couple of weeks I'm going back to work just one night shift a week. I've only been off for 3 months, but I'm nervous to go back. I feel so rusty!!

Michelle said...

I know I have told you a thousand times, but congrats on finding a great nursing job! I hope someday I can do that same thing and work during the evenings a few times a week (I have to get my nursing degree first though). =) And Audrey is SO cute! I LOVE that she was strong enough to heft that pot onto the table, and that she was small enough to get into it! =)

Laura said...

oh my gosh that picture is so cute!! I'm excited for you and the new job, so happy everything worked out!

The Bergant Family said...

Melanie, Congratulations on your job! You'll be great! And that pot picture (and story) of Audrey is so funny! :)