Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Baa, Mmm, Ssss, Neh, Arr, Hahhah, baba...

Audrey is learning how to make animal sounds! She loves animals and is delighted when she makes the correct sound! So far she has mastered the sheep, cow, snake, horse, lion, dog and chicken. In keeping with the animal sound theme that has dominated our home in the last week Audrey and I visited a local farm today that has a petting farm set up. She was in heaven! It was the middle of the day so many of the animals were resting but I was thrilled when one of the sheep let out a loud 'BAAA'! Audrey laughed and laughed! What fun it is to have a toddler!

These were baby goats that, fortunately, didn't have teeth because Audrey loved when they would nibble and suck on her fingers.

An expert 2 handed milker!

Audrey could have chased these baby turkeys all afternoon! So entertaining!


Chris and Christina said...

I can't believe how big she looks! What a fun trip to see the animals :)

Kim said...

Haha Sam thinks every animal says "RAWR"...we're working on that. She is so cute. Toddlers are fun!