Last week Audrey and I left Mitchell home alone and ran off to California. Audrey was able to meet her great grandparents on my side, her grandpa, aunts, uncles, great aunts and great uncles, cousins and so many other friends! It was a great time! A highlight of the trip was having portraits taken of the girls! My mom, sisters and niece Summer along with Audrey and I had a lot of fun with this photo shoot. It was a great trip but we are happy to be home. Poor Mitchell almost didn't make it with both of his girls gone.
We are loving Madison so far! We are all settled in to our new apartment and we like it. Our ward at church is so wonderful too! The ward is loaded full of young families with one or two kids so we fit right in! Mitchell is doing well at the new job too. For the first several months he is in training and has a lot of classes and tests to take. Today he found out he passed the second test!!
Oh I almost are Audrey's 2 month stats:
Height: 24" (89th percentile)
Weight: 11lb 10.3oz (53rd percentile)
Head Circumference: 38.4cm (24th percentile)