Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I bet you'd never guess...

I bet you'd never guess that this:

Would turn into this!

Mitchell and I have been trying to focus on emergency preparedness and budgeting recently. One of the lessons I have learned through experience is that planning ahead can really cut costs. This month I am going to make a conscious effort to plan meals ahead of time and make one trip to the grocery store per week. If I do this our grocery bill is considerably less than when I go to the store before preparing every meal. Not to mention that it saves massive amounts of time! Monday I decided to plan the week's meals and make a grocery run. I asked Mitchell for input on the kinds of things he would like to eat this week. He came up with fish and roasted vegetables, clam chowder and sourdough bread. Then he threw me a curve ball. His exact words were "something creative with pork and beans."  Huh? Something creative? Are we talking sculpture? Modern art? How about pork and bean muffins? They were really good! Find the recipe here: 

Back to budgeting we were introduced to a great website that makes money managing very easy! 

This website will link all of your accounts into one place. You can create your own budget and allocate all of your projected expenses. The site accesses your transactions through debit or credit card and lets you know how you are doing with your monthly budget. It will email you if you go over budget or if any of the transactions are out of the ordinary. For instance, if your debit card were to be stolen and charged with a lot of money or in another location, they would automatically send you an email. It also keeps trend records from month to month so you can evaluate your spending over time. We are really liking this site. Best of all the service is FREE!!

In other news, the semester is really coming to a close. There is only one week left of instruction, then finals. Wahoo! Mitchell will be graduating in 16 days! It is a little anti-climatic though, because a week later he starts right in on his Master's degree. I am getting excited about going to Peru. I met with a group of students and an instructor who are going to Ecuador today. We worked out details of the health fairs that we will be putting on in the respective countries. I am excited to use the skills I have worked hard to obtain, both in nursing and in the Spanish language, to bless the lives of those who are in need. Life is wonderful!


The Bergant Family said...

Wow! They look really good. Leave it to Mitch to think of something challenging yet odd. :) I can say that as his sister! So, another recommendation I might make is that I often make two meals and freeze one as it is very cost effective as well. Keep inspiring me to get my food storage and preparedness done!

Grandma Kitty said...

Looks like you also have food photo skills. I was impressed with how you arranged the ingredients for the the picture. When I worked at the WIC clinic, we used to make fudge from pinto beans, so nothing surprises me anymore.

Elli Morley said...

oh wow that really does look good