Friday, December 28, 2012

Overdue Update

I imported my pictures from the camera to the computer last night and I realized that I am way overdue for an update! The holidays flew by and we were busy!

Here's the quick catch up!

Our first significant snow storm came in early November. It was the perfect storm because most of the snowfall happened at night. On Saturday morning we had about 4-5 inches of fresh snow and it was sunny! We bundled up and met our neighbors outside for a fun morning of making snowmen and warming up with hot chocolate.

My brother got married the week of Thanksgiving!! He married the most wonderful girl named Alison and they were married in the Mesa, AZ temple. It was wonderful! We made the trip down to AZ and decided to do some touristing on the way down. We drove from our house to Grand Canyon National Park and stayed the night. I don't want to relive what it was like to share a hotel room with a 2 year old and 2 infants...use your imagination... The next morning we explored the Grand Canyon. It was GRAND!! Seriously, I had NO idea how big it really is! Amazing! We decided to carpe diem and took a helicopter ride over the canyon. SO FANTASTIC!!! Even Audrey got to ride and she loved it! 

I realize only one of my twinners is pictured. Redick was asleep.

What a great couple!
My amazing grandma drove home from California with me and the kids and was a wonderful help! She stayed at our house for a few days cooking up a storm in the kitchen, feeding us delicious meals, cleaning up after herself, and watching the kids for us while Mitchell and I went on dates! It was AMAZING! THANK YOU GRANDMA!!

We came home from a date to find out that the babies had refused the bottles we left and had cried themselves to sleep on Grandma's lap. I'm impressed she was still smiling!
On December 12th Redick and Reid turned 6 months old!! I don't remember the first 6 months of Audrey's life flying by as they have this time! In another 6 months they will be 1 and no longer babies! Unbelievable! 

Here are the stats:
Height: 26.5 in        45%
Weight: 14 lbs 1oz    3%
Head Circ: 43cm    41%

Height: 25.5 in        9%
Weight: 13 lbs 14oz  2%
Head Circ: 43cm      41%

Both babies are totally mobile now! They are in the in-between stage where they are able to crawl but it's still faster to army crawl, scoot and roll. They can get anywhere they want though. Their napping schedule is pretty predictable and they are really happy babies. They started eating purees a few weeks ago and they LOVE it! So far they have loved sweet potato, carrots, green beans, peas, banana squash, acorn squash, bananas, pears, peaches and tri tip steak. That's right, steak. We're trying to put hair on their chests early! They have also tried unsweetened applesauce, Reid loved it, Redick thought it was way too sour!

We got to spend Christmas in California this year. We spread the celebrations over 3 days in California with all of the extended family then we came home and continued with a few more presents! Audrey has now been asking for presents every day. Haha! Santa was apparently really busy this year so he promised to bring something super awesome to those patient kids who were willing to wait until after the big Christmas rush. After we got home from CA this was waiting for Audrey in the basement! She has been getting a great workout the last couple of days!

Well that's the short version of the last couple of months for us! Happy New Year!


Michelle said...

Love Love Love all the pictures! I can't believe how big the boys are getting. And holy cow that is a fun toy to get for Christmas! We want to come visit!

Dustin and Tricia Bunderson said...

It looks like fun few months. Picture purges are great! I just gotta say I am SO jealous of your snowmen.. no snow like that here in Texas!