Thursday, September 20, 2012

A New Kind of Fun!

Today was the first time Audrey has experimented with painting! It took quite a lot of convincing on my part to get her to let me put paint on her hands. Haha! Once we did it she loved it though.

P.S. Before you assume that I am such a great mom, I'll let you know that she drove me crazy THE WHOLE TIME! 2 year olds just can not sit still or wait for even 10 seconds. Even still, it was fun!


Lindsey H said...

You are still a great mom and remember to be proud of it. :) I know where you're coming from though and I've struggled with posting too many positive things on my blog in fear that it paints the wrong picture of our so-called perfect life but then I realized that I want my kids to look back on the good things we do together and their accomplishments. How fun would it be for them to read lots of negativity...especially about themselves? I continue to try to remember the real reason for my blog and push aside the thoughts of people that aren't the main audience. Yes, there needs to be truth and "realness" but embrace the good. :)

Paula said...

Cute! You still are a great mom! I tried once with Lanie to paint and decided that we were not pulling the paint out again until she is 10! :)

Michelle said...

So fun! You are an awesome mom! Wish we could have been there to make that with you. Miss you!