Monday, March 12, 2012

Our New Home In Utah

Here's what we've been up to in the last month since we moved. Of course buying our house took up a lot of the time but we've been able to do a lot of other fun stuff too!

The nickelcade! I was a skeptic but it was actually so much fun! 

We played with the cousins! Instant friends, how fun!

We went to Moms and Tots morning at Jump on It. It's a trampoline and inflatable jump house place. It took Audrey a little bit to warm up but she had a blast! I had fun too but my poor pregnant body hated me the rest of the day for running around on trampolines all morning!


Audrey learned the word 'dance.' When Mitchell gets home from work she loves to put on some music and dance! 

 We went to a Dr. Suess birthday party/story time! We got to listen to some fun stories and decorate Cat in the Hat cookies!

The weather has been steadily warming up and we've gotten to play at the park several times! Play! Play! Play!

On Saturday Daddy went to Utah Code Camp. It was a full day of lectures and classes about computer programming. We girls decided to drop him off and actually go have fun! *FYI, Mitchell loved the code camp so it was a win, win.* Audrey and I went to the Children's Museum in SLC then spent the rest of the day with Grandma and Grandpa Harris! We had a great time!

This was an actual life flight helicopter on display at the museum. So cool!

Here's me! 23 weeks along and measuring 32! Yikes!

 Whew! After all that we need a nap!


James and Kerri Heaton said...

Audrey looks so grown up in the picture where she is decorating a cookie. I love her pigtails, they are just adorable! I'm glad you guys are doing well out in Utah, though we do miss you a ton!

Lindsey said...

Ya know, Nickelcade is also a great place for a first date, I'm told... but you have to make sure you drive your "sweet ride" to it while making awesome fast car noises the entire way. Vroooooooom!! (Oh dear!)

Love all the pics! Audrey is getting so big and so cute! And... you're growing a little too. ;) CANNOT WAIT to see those little boys!!!

Elli Morley said...

Cute pigtails Audrey! Looks like fun.