Thursday, December 16, 2010

On the Move

Our little girlie has learned how to crawl! In the last week or two she has been getting up on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth. Yesterday she actually took her first crawling...steps? I put up several videos, I don't really expect that the casual Audrey fan will watch them all but I do know there are some die hards out there that will. Enjoy!

This is a little plush nativity that my mom sent for Audrey. She loves it!

Watch out world! Here she comes!

Mitchell and I are on the move too. Santa visited our house early this year and brought us a treadmill! Hooray!


Bev Tracy said...

She is so incredibly cute. I love the hair hanging in her eyes. :o) I can't wait until February!

Elli Morley said...

Thats cute!

The Bergant Family said...

So cute!!!! Don't you love getting down at their level and looking at the world from the floor??? She's so cute and her hair still makes me jelaous. And a treadmill too! Aawesome! I need one of those. My gosh, I'm eating to much Christmas junk and my pilates videos are getting dusty. :) What a great way to work out in a conviient way. Marathon soon Mel? :)