Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another First for Audrey

Audrey has started being a lot more alert lately and it is fun for us to get to interact with her a little bit! She also continues to sleep like a pro and we are definitely enjoying that! Yesterday I decided to see what she would think of some toys. Up to this point we hadn't introduced any toys because she mostly just ate and slept throughout the day. Yesterday afternoon I set up a little mobile like teepee thing with hanging stuffed animals. It came with her portable crib but I set it up on the floor over her blanket. I think the stuffed animals were a hit! She loved them! Haha, actually she just stared at the giraffe and then at the zebra and back to the giraffe but she was content. A couple of times her hand happened to hit one of the animals and cause it to swing and move. That caught her attention and she would stare at it. I have included several pictures so the grandmas and great grandmas will be well supplied.

She is giving that zebra quite the stare down!


Chris and Christina said...

what a beautiful little girl. There are going to be soooooo many "firsts" for her almost everyday this year. yay and congrats again! Hope you are enjoying being a mommy!

The Bergant Family said...

Whoa!!! So cute! with those eyes open now I think she is starting to look like Daddy. :)

Bev Tracy said...

I am impressed with how brave you are to let that heffalump so near your baby. :o)

Nikki said...

Congratulations to you both! She is adorable. I really like the name! That's the name of my French sister-in-law. I hope you're all doing so well!