Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year and updates

Mitchell and I had a great 2 week vacation in Seattle with the Harris family! We drove out after finals and seriously enjoyed the break from school. Not only that, we were busy having fun with the family and seeing the sights in Seattle. Due to my extreme forgetfulness lately (sorry daughter, you are taking the blame for that) we didn't have our camera so there are no pictures of any of the adventures in Seattle. We saw 2 movies in the theater and 2 plays, Mitchell helped with a house construction project and I shopped with my sister in law, we celebrated Christmas and Mitchell and Tyler's birthdays, ate yummy meals, and saw beautiful things. The afore mentioned forgetfulness is causing me to draw a blank on many of the fun details but it was a great trip!

Oh, Mitchell learned a new skill on Christmas Eve! He learned how to replace the starter in our car. Apparently we have bad luck with car trouble while traveling on holidays. Last year on Thanksgiving our alternator completely died in Middle-of-No-Where, Idaho. We found out that there are exactly 0 mechanics open at 8:00pm on Thanksgiving in Middle-of-No-Where, Idaho. Well, this year we were a bit more fortunate that the starter went out in the driveway of a friends house and there was 1 auto parts store open on Christmas Eve. Mitchell was feeling adventurous and the testosterone in his system told him to tear out the old one and replace it himself. It was a success and the car was running in only a matter of a couple of hours later. Good job Honey!

Baby update: Most people already know that we are having a girl! It's so fun to know her gender now, it all seems a little more real. The frequent kicks and somersaults also remind me there's a growing baby in there! I have to say that is the best part of pregnancy so far! The second best part is seeing how much Mitchell already adores her. He loves to feel her kicks and talk to her. On Sunday he decided he was going to have a Fast Sunday Interview with his daughter. I wasn't invited (there was a pillow placed over my face) so I don't know all that went on but it was very sweet. Before we left for Seattle I found a great deal on some beautiful crib bedding and took advantage! It is so pretty. I have included a stock photo from the manufacturer since we don't have a crib yet. It's hard to tell from the photo but the fabrics are very luxurious. It is satin, silk and minky, all machine washable of course!

Mitchell is so happy to be back in school and at work. He loves to learn and work hard! I am enjoying the time off. I am working rotating shifts but still have plenty of time to myself to finish projects and read books! I'm definitely enjoying the time to read! Life is great!


The Bergant Family said...

First, the Fast Suday interview story is hilarious! Secondly, I love love love the bedding you cose. So beautiful! She will love it!

Elli Morley said...

aww cute room